
Author: Helen Edgar

  • April-June Round-Up 2024

    Reading & Research A trans-diagnostic investigation of attention, hyper-focus, and monotropism in autism, attention dysregulation hyperactivity development, and the general population (Dwyer, P., Williams, Z. J., Lawson, W., & Rivera, S. M. 2024) Neurodiversity, 2 A super valuable and exciting piece of research, a must-read for everyone interested in monotropism! We found elevated levels of hyper-focus…

  • Spring 2024 Round-Up, part 2: Videos and Social Media

    Part 1 of this update collected written work published or found since last year’s end-of-Summer round-up. Here, we focus mainly on videos, podcasts, and social media resources related to monotropism. Some of these are from 2023 but have only recently entered our attention tunnel. This is likely just the tip of the ice, reflecting some…

  • Spring 2024 Round-Up, part 1: Research and Reading

    A seasonal round-up from Helen Edgar (Autistic Realms) of research and reading material related to monotropism, with contributions from Fergus Murray. It has been a really busy few months with new research, blogs, training and other monotropism related resources being produced and shared. The theory of monotropism is definitely causing some ripples across social media,…

  • End-of-Summer round-up

    End-of-Summer round-up

    Hello, I am Helen Edgar (Autistic Realms). As guest blog writer for this season’s summary of monotropism, I am sharing a round-up of published work, social media interest, and some updates from inside the Monotropism Discord server (please email Fergus Murray if you wish to join us). Monotropism-related academic research Wachholtz, D., Vidal, V., Latimer,…