
Monotropism Questionnaire Online

Fergus Murray

We shared a presentation about the Monotropism Questionnaire (MQ) around this time last year. Since then, work has been ongoing on a journal article writing up the results. This is still awaiting peer-review, but is now available on the OSF pre-print server along with the questionnaire itself (see below) which has been made available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA licence.

A self-scoring version of the MQ was made by developer David Cary after he heard about it from a TikTok video with more than half a million views (which came after Dr. Joey Lawrence posted one which has 1.8 million views at the time of writing). David made his MQ page under his own initiative, but has made some changes in response to feedback from myself and others. Most of the comments on these videos have been very positive, with a lot of people saying how clear and relatable the questions are, compared with autism tests they’ve done; a few have been surprised by their low scores, though, and that warrants further research.

Dr. Joey, a clinical psychologist in Australia, said “I believe this is probably the best assessment of autism” – high praise, but misleading; the MQ is really not an autism assessment as such. The questionnaire is designed to assess a person’s degree of monotropism, and while Monotropism was developed as a theory of autism, it is too early to say whether all autistic people are monotropic, or whether all monotropic people are autistic. It is also not entirely clear how ADHD fits into this picture.

I made a TikTok video about all this (now also on Instagram):

What we know so far is that (to the extent that the MQ is really measuring monotropism) autistic people and ADHDers tend to be significantly more monotropic than the average person. It is also fair to say that no other theory of autism provides a more comprehensive account of autistic differences, and that the theory of Monotropism has helped a great many autistic people to make more sense of their own experiences.

There is still a great deal of research to be done looking at how to apply the MQ in practice, and the questionnaire itself deserves further testing and refinement to ensure that it is not slanted too much towards particular ways of experiencing monotropism. Having a measure of monotropism available – even if it is an imperfect one – opens the door to all kinds of interesting studies on it in the future.

In the meantime, it is exciting to see how much these ideas resonate with people. Here are some of the things that have been written in response…

7 responses to “Monotropism Questionnaire Online”

  1. Tanya avatar

    I got really interesting results from taking the MQ & that surprised me.
    Especially that I’m more M than over half of the autistic group and almost 100% of the alliatics.

    I plan to take the MQ again when the questions have been rearranged. Hmmm… Looks like I did a good job with my late in life diagnosis.

    To find out, at my age, that I’ve been dealing with a neuro-divergent brain all my life brings a lot of emotional turmoil.

    Oh, well!

    1. Fergus avatar

      I hope this new self-knowledge proves valuable to you! You might like to check out the new ‘I’m Monotropic… Now What?‘ page!

  2. Cyanasen Azur avatar
    Cyanasen Azur

    I mean I have ADHD, Autism, and and Trans, so I am not shocked I scored over 94% higher than most hahaha almost perfect score.

  3. […] wrote a roundup of recent writing about monotropism – there’s been a lot! I also wrote a piece on the Monotropism Questionnaire after our paper on it went online as a preprint and proved unexpectedly popular. Finally, I added […]

  4. […] assessment” called the Monotropism Questionnaire. I watched a few of the videos talking about the Monotropism Questionnaire, like this one from @nd_psych, and my spidey-sense was all of a tingle, so I thought I’d have a […]

  5. Aleida Castro avatar
    Aleida Castro

    Hello! I am a late diagnosed autistic woman from Spain. I am also a doctor and I am currently doing my phD in Humanistic Medicina and Accesibility. I scored 189/235. I would like to share my opinion on the test, since I think it can be and interesting tool in diagnosis process, once it gets validated after some proper studies. Some of my responses where not agree or disagree; since a lot of adult women that are late diagnosed suffer from ptsd and complex trauma; also quite exacerbated anxiety. That causes that when we are adults we find harder to engage in hyperfixations or “restricted interests” as we did when we were kids. We tend to live in a high alert mode that causes dificulties in concentration; including topics that we are interested in. Also we tend to have high rates of disociasion and maladaotative dreaming as a resourse of managing our anxiety
    Also; in most level 1 autistic womens there is a gender bias that I think is not been acknowledge in the questionarie. We are rise as primary care figures; most of the times we have been carers of younger siblings; a second hand of our mothers or we have felt broken or guilty if we dont fit into the “female alike behaviour” expected from us. That means that we have learn to dismiss our interests; likes or hobbies. And by adult age we tend to be highly burn out and living in survive mode since we are responsible of our jobs; families and housework (if we live independents lifes).
    That said I think the questionary is too generic and can lead to a lot of false positives or false negatives if those matters are not acknowledge. Also academics resourses, socioeconomics and sociodemographics data are not included; so the results can be bias or not; and that can be key in the matter also.

    Sorry for my mistakes. English is not my first language. I hope my comment can help to continue developing the questionary and the theory.

    Have a nice day!!!

    1. Fergus avatar

      Hi Aleida, thanks for your notes! I agree that these are all factors that should be taken into account in the next iteration of the MQ. It may be that not all of them make a difference, but they easily might…

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