
Category: Uncategorized

  • Book News

    This week saw the publication by Springer of the latest book from Wenn Lawson, co-creator of the theory of Monotropism. Autism and Being Monotropic: What Medical and Other Practitioners Need to Know becomes the primary book-length exploration of the theory and what it means – a title previously claimed by his 2010 book The Passionate…

  • Monotropism on Bluesky

    Bluesky is a social media platform reminiscent of the early days of Twitter, but with various extra features. For example, we have a Monotropism feed which automatically pulls in posts that mention monotropism, and some other relevant posts; and we have a ‘starter pack‘ of people who are researching and writing about monotropism. We have…

  • July-December 2024 Research Round-Up

    July-December  2024 Research Round-Up

    Reading and Research The following list is a selection of papers that all focus on or include reference to the theory of monotropism published between July-Dec 2024.We have aimed for this to be comprehensive, but if you know of other papers that have come out that may have missed our attention, please do get in…

  • Monotropism Music

    Something interesting that we’ve noticed in recent months is that a surprising number of musicians have been making music named after monotropism! Here is a collection of what we’ve noticed as of November 2024. Inclusion is not necessarily endorsement, and some of these tracks may be too noisy for some listeners. Also, we haven’t spoken…

  • April-June Round-Up 2024

    Reading & Research A trans-diagnostic investigation of attention, hyper-focus, and monotropism in autism, attention dysregulation hyperactivity development, and the general population (Dwyer, P., Williams, Z. J., Lawson, W., & Rivera, S. M. 2024) Neurodiversity, 2 A super valuable and exciting piece of research, a must-read for everyone interested in monotropism! We found elevated levels of hyper-focus…

  • Spring 2024 Round-Up, part 2: Videos and Social Media

    Part 1 of this update collected written work published or found since last year’s end-of-Summer round-up. Here, we focus mainly on videos, podcasts, and social media resources related to monotropism. Some of these are from 2023 but have only recently entered our attention tunnel. This is likely just the tip of the ice, reflecting some…

  • Spring 2024 Round-Up, part 1: Research and Reading

    A seasonal round-up from Helen Edgar (Autistic Realms) of research and reading material related to monotropism, with contributions from Fergus Murray. It has been a really busy few months with new research, blogs, training and other monotropism related resources being produced and shared. The theory of monotropism is definitely causing some ripples across social media,…

  • Dinah Murray Archive update

    Fergus Murray I posted about recent additions to The Dinah Murray Archive on this site a few weeks ago. At the time, I was drawing a blank on where to find her 1992 and 1993 Durham conference papers, where she first introduced and elaborated on the concept of monotropism. Finally, an old friend pointed out…

  • Pete Wharmby on Monotropism & Special Interests

    Pete Wharmby, autistic author and former English teacher, has written two books that talk about monotropism, and a chapter in a third (see below). I (Fergus Murray) recently had a chat with him about monotropism, education, writing and the internet, for AMASE. We also shared a panel with Elliott Spaeth on neurodiversity in education, at…

  • Building the Dinah Murray Archive

    Fergus Murray We started this site with all of Dinah’s writing that was already online on her Productive Irritant site, and some of her work that we were able to pull from the Wayback Machine’s archive of her old Autism & Computing site, previously lost to the internet. Panda Mery has been a huge help…